Friday, October 10, 2008

My First Blog....

Here i am also starting my first blog as every Tom, Dick and Harry is doing this crap for quite some time. I dont know, seriously dont know why i am starting it so late, any idea...???????????Ah got it :-) may be i dont want to be like all those TDH.
But finally i landed on this beautiful landscape of blogging with no intention of writing some foool :-) proof algo's or some great theories (Although i am not that great in all those stuff), but because only i got some free time after which i have to talk to my best friend ever. It's already 23:55 , and i am still on my way as what to write as a part of my first blog. And in the mean time i got a call from one of the angel's (Angels, dont get astonished.... It was the name of our group in college and we all were best buddies and still continuing) and we tlk non sense as we used to do. I tlked to him almost half an hour about the info i got from my other college mate on GTalk. And he asked me to find out some book on Christianity as he is very much impressed by this religion. I convinced him to find some good books and then finally i ended the call. Just after few minutes another angel called me up ( He is in UK now a days, enjoying !!!!!). Then we chatted for some time. And at the end i got what i was expecting for last 2 hour, dont get excited............. it was a call from my best frienddddddddddddddddddddddddd. I felt a sigh of relief , now i can finish this MY FIRST BLOG ..................................